Assessing Affirmative Action Practices in Nepal’s Federal Civil Service: Current Achievements and Future Reform Needs


  • Baburam Bhul PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management and Law, Nepal Open University, Nepal; Office of the Auditor General, Nepal



social justice, social inclusion, meritocracy versus inclusivity, diversity, civil service


Nepal has implemented an affirmative action policy in the federal civil service since 2007 to address historical injustices and inequalities and promote the representation of marginalized people, such as women, ethnic minorities, and underprivileged castes, in public sector employment. This move has contributed to empowering disadvantaged people, mainstreaming minorities, and promoting social justice by strengthening inclusion within the bureaucratic structure. A qualitative research methodology is applied to perform a scoping review of 87 scholarly articles and a media review of 45 news articles to reveal the reasons behind the reforms made by policy enterprises in Nepal. The findings scrutinize both the constructive and critical facets of affirmative action practices in Nepal’s public service from 2007 to 2024. Besides some positive results leading to cultural competencies, such as the increased representation of women, Dalits, and ethnic minorities, there are still substantial inequalities in equal opportunities for empowerment and active participation in decision-making processes. The main reasons for such negative situations are complex social, ideological, and legal barriers, narrow-minded and deeply established prejudices, the lack of sufficient financial and human resources to undertake the programs, patriarchal organizational culture, and ultimately inadequate political commitment. The paper recommends continued reforms, timely review, preventing elite capture, adaptation to changing needs, a focus on the inadequate representation of marginalized groups, and the promotion of affirmative action policies that will result in the ending of these hurdles and, eventually, a more representative and all-inclusive Nepalese civil service.

Author Biography

Baburam Bhul, PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management and Law, Nepal Open University, Nepal; Office of the Auditor General, Nepal

He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Development Management and Governance at the Faculty of Management and Law, Nepal Open University. He holds an M.Phil. and MPA in Public Administration from Tribhuvan University. He also has multiple degrees, such as an MA in Sociology, an MA in Political Science from Tribhuvan University, and an LLB from the Nepal Law Campus of Tribhuvan University. Currently, he is serving as a government auditor at the Office of the Auditor General Nepal. He has been working in government service since 2012. His areas of expertise include public policy analysis, HRM, development management, democracy, federalism, social inclusion, DEIB and IDEA, and Governance.


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How to Cite

Bhul, B. (2025). Assessing Affirmative Action Practices in Nepal’s Federal Civil Service: Current Achievements and Future Reform Needs. Nepal Public Policy Review, 4(1), 141–187.



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