Governance of Asta-Ja Resources in Nepal


  • Durga Dutta Poudel Environmental Science, School of Geosciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette



Asa-Ja, Governance, Natural Resources, Human Resources, Policies


Nepal is endowed with vast natural and human resources, collectively called "Asta-Ja" resources. Asta-Ja means eight Ja, Nepali letter "Ja", Jal (water), Jamin (land), Jungle (forest), Jadibuti (medicinal and aromatic plants), Janashakti (human resource), Janawar (animals), Jarajuri (crop plants), and Jalabayu (climate). Sustainable management of Asta-Ja resources constitutes the major goal of the government of Nepal. Governance of Asta-Ja resources must enhance accelerated economic growth and fast-paced socio-economic transformation of the society while addressing the issues of social and climate justice, inclusion, and other inequalities. A step-by-step, theoretically grounded, inclusive, participatory, and comprehensive Asta-Ja Governance Framework (Asta-Ja GF) are proposed for the best governance of Asta-Ja resources in Nepal. The Asta-Ja GF consists of seven steps, 1) status and linkages of Asta-Ja resources, 2) resources ownership, 3) policies and practices, 4) community engagement, 5) incentives and revenue sharing, 6) infrastructure investment, and 7) monitoring, evaluation, and reporting are proposed. Institution building at the local, regional, and national levels for effective governance of Asta-Ja resources is emphasised. This paper thus studies the Asta-Ja Framework in the purview of laws, policies and plans adopted by the country for the sustainable development and utilisation of natural resources. The paper also enlists the reasons why there is a need for effective governance of Asta Ja.

Author Biography

Durga Dutta Poudel, Environmental Science, School of Geosciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Prof. Dr. Durga D. Poudel is a Soil Scientist and a Professor of Environmental Science at University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, USA. He received his B.Sc. degree in Agriculture from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, M.Sc. in Natural Resource Development and Management from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, and Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. Dr. Poudel ’s professional experience consists of Research Fellow at Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Taiwan; Graduate Research Assistant in Sustainable Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA; and Visiting Research Scholar, University of California Davis, USA. Dr. Poudel joined the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, as an Assistant Professor of Soil Science in August 2000. As an Associate Editor, Dr. Poudel has been serving the Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment journal since 2020. He is the Founder of Asta-Ja Framework and the Founding President of Asta-Ja Research and Development Center (Asta-Ja RDC) Kathmandu, Nepal, and Asta-Ja USA.


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How to Cite

Poudel, D. D. (2022). Governance of Asta-Ja Resources in Nepal. Nepal Public Policy Review, 2, 439–458.



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